Congratulations Pastor
Today, in a special way, we thank God for the life of our Pastor. We are grateful for the blessing of having you as our spiritual leader, for your life and ministry. Mensagens de Aniversário Pastor
Being a pastor is always ready to meet us, readiness is your characteristic in every situation. Our pastor is always ready to act without delay. Thank you very much, Pastor, for your availability to the KINGDOM OF GOD.
Serving is another characteristic, and the Fruit of the Spirit is visible in your life. Thank you very much, JESUS for disciples like this!
We recognize the precious man that you are in the hands of God and on this date so significant, with the respect and the admiration that you have always deserved, we dedicate with all your heart these sincere words ..
A happy birthday and may the blessings continue to be poured into your life!
(Unknown author)
Congratulations to Pastor
Congratulations, today is your birthday, I know you are happy and I can even imagine the party that is in heaven on this day. God loves you very much, and so lets your joy be known.
I mean, I'm really happy for this extra year. I want to ask Heavenly Father to continue to spread all the peace in his walk, and to find a little of heaven in his presence so full of light.
May that date be repeated and bring every year much health and achievements. Surely you will continue to be special to God and He will add everything you need in the pages of your life.
Happy birthday, congratulations on having a free life to serve the Father, and for being an example for the whole church. May you always be humble in spirit to always win in life.
Congratulations on the peace of God, because you are part of the joy of the Beloved Father.
Happy birthday and a lot of strength to win in life.
Special Day for Pastor
That today is a special day you already know! What you may not know is how important you are to each of us; God did not put you here by chance; Everything has a reason and with time we are going to see the purpose of God for his and for our lives ...
Pastor, we want to thank you for the patience you have with us. For the care and attention ... you give us peace and we can see in you the brightness of God.
We know that nothing in this life is easy, let alone being a shepherd, the tears that fall for each one of your sheep, the difficult moments you never imagined would pass, fights, trials ... but we know that God is with you and has been He who put you here and it is He who holds your hand at all times whether they are happy or sad ...
Happy birthday, pastor !!!
Birthday messages for pastor friend
Happy Birthday to Pastor
Dear brother in Christ, dear pastor,
What can I wish for you on this special date for me and for our Almighty God?
The only thing that comes to mind, and also to my heart, is to ask our Lord Jesus Christ to grant you more and more the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit of God in your life so that you can continue to carry out the wonderful work that You have been carrying out with much love and dedication. All this, so that you can gain more and more souls for our dear Lord Jesus.
Brother, I wish you and your family much health, peace and success in all your endeavors.
Congratulations and Happy birthday!
A big hug and a lot of happiness.
Stay in the peace of God.
Author: Edilson Rodrigues Silva
To be a pastor
To be a pastor is to love, even if your love is not reciprocated.
Being a pastor is visualizing what no one can see and believing that dreams can come true.
To be a pastor is to embrace the child, already thinking of tomorrow's worker!
To be a pastor is to talk to the elders of the church, even if their story has already been told over and over again, and to have respect for those who have gone their way for many years.
To be a pastor is to present your little lamb to the gentleman, tender and small, under the emotional gaze of his parents.
To be a shepherd is to say goodbye to a dear brother, a sheep that looked after so zealously, but who was called again by the Lord, to weep for him and say: See you soon, my friend ...
To be a pastor is to be in the marriage, talking to the bride in white, trembling and moved, and the anxious bridegroom who holds the hand of the beloved, that life is beautiful, but it will bring disappointments.
To be a pastor is to smile when the heart is crying, to bless when in your own life there is only evidence, is to try to dry the tears of the desperate mother who suffers with the children, or advise the disillusioned wife with her husband.
Being a pastor is not the title, it is the man who becomes, the word that is lived every day, the difficulties that are overcome and the testimonies that are forming.
To be a shepherd is to be simple, with eyes always fixed on the field: after all, the sheep are always in motion.
Thank you for being a faithful servant! Happy Birthday!
(Church of the Future)
Birthday messages for church pastor
Pastor, One Person, Different
I see in you, a different person, a life that inspires us, which encourages us to faith, which brings us hope, which leads us to look into the distant future and to perceive ineffable glories. We recognize, pastor, how much our lives depend on your life.
The precious vessel that you are in the hands of the Lord, leading us on the path of truth. Therefore, on such a significant date, with the respect and admiration you have always deserved, we bring you, with all my heart, this sincere word, a friendly hug and our "Thank you"!
Happy Birthday!
Message of Encouragement for Pastor
May God, who gives us peace, make you completely dedicated to him. And may He preserve the spirit, soul, and body of you free from all stain for the day that Jesus Christ our Lord will come. He who calls them will do this because He is faithful.
- I Thessalonians 5: 23-24
Dear Pastor,
I would like you to know that today the whole church is happy to be able to celebrate yet another year of life from the one who has been a faithful servant of God. We pray and pray that God can continue to give you strength, joy, wisdom and power through His Spirit. In this way, you can continue your mission with the commitment of always.
Happy Birthday!
Congratulations Pastor!
Congratulations, Pastor!
The shepherd is a dreamer "a salesman of dreams", is someone who accomplishes with the success of his sheep; At times he is a misunderstood sufferer, an unrecognized loving leader, an idealist, an entrepreneur, and a defender of the kingdom of God to a multitude with the feeling that he is all alone. But in his weakness he strengthens many, in his sadness he rejoices many, in his poverty he enriches many, his pain restores many.
(Church of the Future)
Thank you, Pastor!
You can not be anything you wish to be. But it can be all that God wants you to be.
- Max Lucado
When we are children and they ask us what we want to be when we are big, many respond: soccer player, police, doctor, fireman ...
I do not know what you said when you were a child, but I know that I am very happy to have heard God's call to be a servant dedicated to His word.
Pastor, thank you so much for all the patience and dedication. Thank you for being what God wants you to be, because that way you have been a great blessing to all who know you.
In the name of the whole Church, I want to wish you a happy birthday! May the Lord continue giving you strength and wisdom to do His work with joy and boldness!
Grateful For The Life Of The Shepherd
Our biggest problems are not in the roadblocks, but in the wrong direction.
- Augusto Cury
I am grateful to God for choosing someone like you to guide His people. We know that God has equipped you and given wisdom to know the right direction and to overcome all the obstacles that we find in our way. May God continue to bless your ministry and all your family! - Mensagens de Aniversário Pastor
Happy Birthday!
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